The clients app is designed to manage a unique list of clients.  Clients may then be linked to other apps (such as projects) to track their engagement across different areas of work.  The app also includes the option to track interactions with clients and complete satisfaction surveys once those interactions are complete.

Opening the app

To open the app, click on the app name in the navigation.  You will then see a list of client profiles.  Users with the Client Manager role will also see the option to add or delete a client.

Opening a client profile

To open a client profile, click on the name of the client.  You will then see three tabs called roles, workflow and data.

  1. The roles tab shows which roles have been assigned to users for this client.  Users with the Client Manager role may also update role assignments.
  2. The workflow tab shows boxes for the workflow to add and edit a client.  It also has workflow to record a client interaction and a client satisfaction survey.
  3. The data tab shows a list of forms that can be completed for each client.  The number in brackets shows how many versions of that form have been completed.  Clicking opens the form to see the data.