The reports page shows a list of reports that have been published for other users on your community to access.  By default this page is visible to all users.  If you would prefer access to be limited to users with a specific role, please contact support.

The reports page shows a list of all reports that have been published on your community.  See this article for how to publish a new one or this one for how to remove them from the list.

There is a search box at the top.  Enter a name or keyword and press enter to search.  The dustbin icon on the right clears your search.  For each report you can see when it was last updated.  The report will contain data up to the day and time it was last updated.

If you are happy with that timeframe, click the download button to download the file.  If you want more recent data, click the 'refresh report' button.  This will ask the server to update the report.  This process may take up to ten minutes, depending on how busy it is.  Click the 'refresh page' button to check when it is done.  Once complete the date and time will change to show it has been updated.