As you add new groups you can see on the cycle details page how many have been added.

To edit a group:

(1) Open the cycle details page for the scorecard and unit in which the group was added.
(2) Click on 'See all groups' to open the groups page.
(3) You can only edit groups that have been approved.  In this example the group has now been approved and the 'Edit group' button appears.
(4) Clicking 'Edit group' opens the workflow again, allowing you to edit the forms again and make changes.
(5) Remember to also approve the group again.  Only approved data appears in reporting.

To delete a group:

(1) Open the cycle details page for the scorecard and unit in which the group was added.
(2) Click on 'See all groups' to open the groups page.
(3) Click on the three dots to open the options menu.  Then click on 'Delete workflow'

A prompt will appear.  If you confirm the page will refresh and the group will be removed.