If you are experiencing problems logging in you may need to clear the database from your browser.  This will ensure that you do not have any conflicts with older databases.  It will also free up storage space that may be slowing down the process of logging in.

To clear your local databases follow these instructions:

1. Open your browser console

To open your browser console click on the three dots on the top right corner of Chrome and select 'More tools' and then 'Developer tools'

2. Select the Application tab

The browser console may open at the bottom of your page or on the right-hand side.  Click on 'Application' to open the Application tab.

3. Open the local databases

Click to expand IndexedDB and Web SQL

4. Select and delete old databases

Each database will show the name and URL for which it is associated.  Click on any that relate to Kwantu and delete them.

Note - deleting a local database will remove all local data.  If you have data that has not synchronised to the server, it will be lost when you delete it.  If your data is on the server it will not be affected.  You are deleting only local data by this action.

5. Refresh your page

Finally, refresh your page by pressing F5 (or CMD R on a Mac) to return to the login page.  Now please enter your username and password to login again.