Before creating new views check if there is a view that already extracts data from the form you want to work with.  It’s a good idea to also familiarize yourself with the form(s) that you want to work with, particularly if they have tables (repeats) in them.

Each view you create will extract data from a single form.  However, you have the option to also:

  • Choose if you want to extract data from a specific table in the form
  • Filter the data extracted (eg to include or exclude one or more terms)
  • Group the data (eg group by a country or partner)
  • Calculate a value based on a field (eg count how may partners there are)
  • Set an alias for a field name (eg change the name used for a field only in the report)

Views that extract data for every form (and every repeat in each form) are automatically created for you.  Hence, you need only create new views if you need to filter, group or calculate.

To create a new view, go to the Reports App, then click on ‘View categories’.  This opens a page where you can create one or more folders in which you can create views.  This is purely for organizing views and is up to you if you create only one folder, or create several.

You could for example create view folders for basic views, filtered views and calculated views.  That would make it simpler to find a view again should you need to change it.

To create your first folder, click ‘Add view category’, enter a name and click OK.  The folder will be created and you will be taken to the workflow page.  Here you can create a primary view or a union view.

Primary views are described above.  They enable you to extract (and optionally filter, group or calculate) data from a specific form.

Union views are used only in one very specific case.  Where you have more than one App using the same form.  In this case you could create a primary view for the same form in each App.  You can then create a union view to join the data from both Apps.  You can then use the union view in the same way as the primary view.  This allows you to connect the same data across different Apps easily.