Once you have created a report, you can then publish it so that other users can access it from the reports page.  This makes it easy for others to download that report and access the data it contains.

To publish a new report you must have the 'Report Viewer' role on the reports app.  If you do not have this role, please ask a colleague with the 'Report Configurator' role to assign it to you.

Open the reports app and open the report that you want to publish.
Click the 'Publish report' button (if you don't see this button you do not have the 'Report Viewer' role
Enter a name for the report you are publishing.  This name will appear on the reports page.  If the report is pre-filtered, you may want to indicate that in the name to distinguish it from other filtered versions of the same report.

Once you have published the report, the server will generate the first version of it.  You can wait for that to complete such that you can preview it.